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CoverSafe Pro - Reusable Mask -  CPA -  [INTERNATIONAL] - affiliate program

CoverSafe Pro - Reusable Mask - CPA - [INTERNATIONAL] Affiliate Program

Face Cover mask, Washable and Reusable Many Times !!


  • This landing page is GEO-targeted

  • The offer has multiple landing pages, use them to your advantage.

Guidelines & Restrictions:

  • Geo restriction Update 25/04/21 due to international shipping lockdown (COVID 19), the following countries will be removed from the offer for now on : Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Congo, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guinea Bissau, Honduras, Iran, Ivory Coast, Lybia, Montenegro, Mongolia, Panama, Papa New Guinea, Saint Lucia, Sao Tome and Principe, St Marteen, Syria, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Yemen
  • All banners and bridge pages should be approved in advance.
  • Mailers - This offer does not have an unsubscribe link. Therefore, if you wish to promote this offer via your email list - it is your responsibility to make sure that all your list is "OPT-IN". If you have further questions please contact your Affiliate Manager.

Promotion Allowed: Display, Email, Social, Search, Push Notifications.
Promotion Not Allowed: No Incentives, No Brand Bidding, No Coreg, No Adult, No PVV
Desktop Allowed: YES
Mobile Devices Allowed: All
Carriers Allowed: All
Conversion Process: Sale
CPA (Pixel fires on a valid one-time purchase)
קמפיינים ישירים ואקסלוסיביים

מתן תשלום ותגמולים מצוין

מנהל שותפים מסור

קבל תשלום כל שבועיים

בונוס $1000 על צירוף שותפים חדשים
Countries Allowed:
Sign up now to promote CoverSafe Pro - Reusable Mask - CPA - [INTERNATIONAL] Affiliate Program and maximize your traffic monetization.
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